Requirements for articles

Technical requirements for drafting articles:

Articles in Ukrainian and other languages of 10-12 pages with figures (black and white), tables, a list of used literature and annotations are accepted for publication.

- electronic version of the article in *.doc format, prepared in the text editor Microsoft Word;

- A4 format after 1.5 intervals, alignment along the width of the sheet;

- Times New Roman font, size 14 pt;

- margins: upper - 2 cm, lower - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm;

- paragraph indentation from the main text - 1.25 cm;

If the article contains tables and/or illustrations, they should be compact, have a title, the font of the text of the tables should be Times New Roman, the size should be 12 pt. The size of tables and illustrations should not exceed the width of the page. There is an additional single space between data about the author, the title of the article and the main text, between annotations. An additional single space is added before and after tables, figures and formulas.

Transfers in the title and text of the article are not allowed.

Structure of the article:

line1 – UDC (align on the left edge)

line 2 – name and surname of the author (in the center, bold, straight font)

line 3 – scientific degree and academic title of the author (in the center)

line 4 − position and full name of the institution, city and country where the author works, ORCID ID (centered, without abbreviations)

line 5 − title of the article (centered, bold, straight, capital letters)

paragraph 1 – an abstract in Ukrainian with the following mandatory elements: relevance of the problem, purpose, methods and results of the research (from 100 to 200 words), keywords (4−5), separated by commas

paragraph 2 − the text of the article

Structural elements of the main text of the article:

Introduction with mandatory coverage: relevance of research; analysis of the latest research and publications, announcement of the previously unsolved part of the general problem (the article must present a qualitative analysis of literary sources on the problem, it is not possible to list the names of authors who studied the issue under investigation); the purpose of the article; applied research methods (their main content, characteristics and indicators they record, and measurement units).

Presentation of the main material (main research results; discussion of the results, full justification of the obtained scientific results).

Conclusions and prospects for further research.

List of used literature:


List of used literature - placed after the article alphabetically; issued in accordance with the interstate standard DSTU 8302:2015. References to the literature in the text should be given sequentially. At the end of the article, a transliterated (online transliterator: and translated into English version of the literature (References) is placed, designed according to the requirements of APA-7 ( journals/authors/style/reference/tf_APA.pdf).

the next paragraph is the date of receipt of the article.

below - in English: data about the author, the title of the article, an extended abstract with the following mandatory elements: the relevance of the problem, the purpose, methods and results of the research (from 250 to 300 words), keywords (4-5), separated by commas.