



Covenant, Sinai, Abraham, Old Testament, agreement, nation of Israel


In this article entitled Elements of Continuity and New Elements between the Sinai Covenant and the Abrahamic Covenant, we aim to analyze several texts from the Old Testament in order to have an overview of both covenants. We note from the outset that covenant as a theological theme is developed everywhere in the Old Testament, in different forms, with different persons, with different nuances, additions, and refinements. God's covenant with Abraham serves as the basis not only for the Mosaic covenant, but also for the New Covenant. The two covenants are presented together with their common and new elements that appear in God' covenant with the people of Israel. The structure of the article will follow the presentation of the covenants, the covenants with Abraham, and the covenants at Sinai, and then the elements of the covenants will be presented.


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